Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Getty Makes His First Appearance!

Well, here is the sketch that launched a thousand sketches.. or well, two others. I decided to feature both Marvel's Wolverine, and Dark Horse's Hellboy. Together. Galloping towards the world. I drew this with a pencil and brush. Ramble... ramble, short claws...blah, blah, bent tail. ENJOY!

Here is a closer shot of the faces... of the people in my sketch.
See, Sam isn't the only person to have DVD extras in their post.


Ransoms My Middle Name said...

Mike, you are awesome.

Samuel Ellis said...

You Douche…

Craig Zablo said...

Let's see... Hellboy & Wolverine... check... Bold layout & slick inks... check -- It's official, we have a winnah!